The best cocktail from this summer

New favorite cocktail

Hello beautiful people!

Sun is down, Hong Kong lights are up. Looking for a special drink to try? Well I can recommend you a very unique one in a very classic but still casual not pricey place at the central area. French restaurant but not really french because the menu is twisted with some Italian specialties. Simple and fresh food. If you are not hungry and just want to have a drink with friends you can at the bar.

But back to the special drink. Personally I am not a huge fan of martini because for me it’s a bit too strong but In spite of all I found at this place my new favorite cocktail. Super fresh, perfect for summer night the TOMATO MARTINI. Yes, tomato. Surprisingly good, not like a tomato juice. Enjoyable light just melting in your mouth.

If you want to try I recommend you to not go too late because they are limited. A friend told me it takes long time to get the taste of the tomato like this and they have a particular process for it.

Ohh.. and I almost forgot the key.. the name of the place: La Petite Maison

Enjoy and SeeYaS! :)


Taste good, looks good

That’s what everyone like

You should try the burrata cheese.. very tasty!

You should try the burrata cheese.. very tasty!
